* California Dreaming *

Summer in Los Angeles.

Admittedly our 'seasonal' weather doesn't stray too far from the warm days and nights
of summer, and comparable to what you see in films, the landscape is truly something
to behold. As a San Francisco native, we are born with a deep love & appreciation of the
magic of fog. And as someone who has survived and celebrated the sweltering streets
of summer and equally cozy and harsh winters of New York, experiencing the unique,
sun-drenched landscape of Los Angeles has made up for the less dramatic weather.
The jewel tones of the Ocean, Sun and Jacaranda trees that dot the landscape have
made a deep impression on our two years here and inspired our summer collection and
tribute to this adventure, Ode to Los Angeles.

This collection called for putting the silkscreen inks aside for the full-body experience of
hand-dying yards of fabric in our small studio. Getting our hands dirty. Employing Fiber
Reactive Procion type
 dyes was the best way to achieve the subtle shifts and brilliance of
color, and to achieve the subtle nod to the American tie-dye art native to California. Also
important was the permanence and resistance to fading these dyes all-but guarantee.
When washing everyday staples as much as children's blankets and throws, you need the
color to hold up beautifully. The end result? Hand-dying is a messy, addictive and rewarding
process we plan to revisit for future collections. Can you imagine the apparel? So can we...

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